Captain D. Girling, CD, BSc
Captain Don Girling was born in Medicine Hat and raised in Calgary. In 1975 he was engaged as a police officer with the Medicine Hat Police Service. During a police career spanning 37 years he worked in many sections including patrols, communications, crime prevention, criminal investigation, forensic identification and evidentiary breath testing. He is a graduate of the Canadian Police College in forensic identification, incident commander and senior police administration. Captain Girling holds a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Great Falls. He attained the rank of Staff Sergeant and retired in August 2012.
In 2006 he did two tours training Iraqi police recruits as part of operation Iraqi freedom and received the King of Jordan Medal. He is the recipient of the Governor General’s Police Exemplary Service medal and 30 year Service bar. He is also the recipient of the Canada Decoration.
He joined the Canadian Forces CIC, receiving his commission as a second lieutenant October 1 1997. He attended Junior Officer Leader Course in Camp Borden and has served through all aspects of Cadet training. He is currently serving his second term as Commanding Officer.
He is active in the community and is a member of the Royal Canadian Legion, United Services Institute, South Alberta Regimental Association and three Masonic Lodges.
His hobbies include playing the bagpipes, horseback riding, mountain biking, and target shooting.
Captain Girling is married to Mona for the past 32 years and together they have two sons Cody and Cameron.

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