Major Miles Johnson
2Lt. M.C. Johnson was born January 1955 in Claresholm, Alberta. Miles began his education in the town of Granum, Alberta and concluded his education in Concordia College in Edmonton, Alberta. In 1973 2Lt. Johnson began his policing career as a Constable with the Canadian National Railway Police in Edmonton, Alberta. He was also with the Regina Police Service until 1979. Through this Department he obtained is training at the Saskatchewan Police College. 2Lt. Johnson obtained employment with the Town of Redcliff Police Department in 1980 and remained with that Department until the town amalgamated their Police Department with the City of Medicine Hat Police Service. 2Lt. Johnson has over 18 years of police service to date. Throughout his career he has received a number of commendations, some from Town of Redcliff Police Department, City of Lethbridge Police Department and Medicine Hat Police Service. At this present date, 2Lt. Johnson is married with five children, (two biological daughters and three step-children), and one grandchild. His outside interests include Canadian History/Politics, motorcycle riding and weightlifting. He also enjoys spectator sports. 2Lt. Johnson started with the Corps in early 1993 as a Civilian Instructor and was subsequently enrolled as an Officer Cadet in August 1993 and promoted to Second Lieutenant in September 1994.

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