Routine Orders are issued bi-weekly NLT Tuesday.
Issued on the Authority of the Commanding Officer.
Organization Chart
The organization chart was last revised 1 February 2018.
Terms of reference can be found in the Standing Orders.
Duty Schedule
Date | Duty NCM | Duty Officer |
The following cadets are to see the Administration Office on Thursday:
Upcoming Training
1 Nov 18 – Halloween Sports Night. Dress is C7 – Physical Training or Halloween Costume. Please see Support Committee Messages below.
8 Nov 18 – Regular Training. Dress is C5 – Field Training Uniform. This is also our third recruit intake and the last one until January.
10 Nov 18 – “We Will Remember Them” Centenary of the Armistice at the Esplanade. Looking for 2 volunteers to assist. Event is at 1400hrs. Please see the office to volunteer.
11 Nov 18 – Remembrance Day Ceremony. Dress is C1 – Full Dress Uniform. More details to follow.
Volunteers Needed
Volunteers are needed for the Legion Poppy Campaign. Please see the separate post for the schedule and sign up where you can.
Specialty Teams
First practice will be 16 Nov, 1800hrs – 2000hrs. Dress is C8 – Casual with parade boots. The sign up sheet is available on the bulletin board outside the office.
The following cadets are to see the Supply Office on Thursday DURING SUPPLY HOURS. Supply Hours are 1830hrs-1900hrs; 2030hrs-2100hrs:
Koskela, J
Sannachan, R
McConnell, D
Brewer, J
Frohwerk, R
Commanding Officer’s Message
Happy Halloween! Please remember to stay safe, be respectful, and have fun.
Message from the Chair
The bacon orders are ready for pick up at 6 – 7 pm this Thursday November 1 at the armoury. Please make a note of this as we do not have any freezer space to store any cases not picked up.
Thank you to everyone that participated in this fundraiser. We have determined that $1450.84 was profited and will be used to purchase equipment for the corp.
This is a long message, please bare with me. 🙂
This Thursday is a busy one. The cadets are invited to dress up in costume for a fun night of Capture the Flag in the park (weather permitting) once all the bacon has been picked up. The parent committee is going to be handing out glow sticks to everyone so they can play in the dark. The committee has also put together some Halloween treat bags to celebrate the night.
Please remind your cadet to dress warm to go outside for the game.
Also the parent committee is starting another couple of fundraisers right away and forms will be handed out that night.
Sobey’s Cookie Dough (Money towards rucksacks/sleeping bags/liners)
Starts Nov 1 – all money and orders to be handed in Nov 15. No late orders will be accepted. Cost is $15 per pail. There will be four flavors to choose (Monster, Choc Chip, Oatmeal raisin, double choc/choc chip). We are wanting to catch all the people for Christmas baking.
Money Raffle (Raising money for a bigger trailer)
Starts Nov 1 – all money and any unsold tickets are to be handed in Nov 29. Tickets are $10 each. Three draws will be made the evening of Dec 6 for the following amounts ($300, $500 and $700). We are only printing 550 tickets and the idea would be for each cadet to try to sell at least 10 tickets. We need all 550 sold to raise the money we need to purchase the new trailer.
Thanks to everyone for your support. We are not planning any other fundraisers for awhile but will plan a bottle drive for January. More information will come out at a later date.
One more quick reminder is that we are still needing to have parent volunteers and cadets to help with the Poppy Campaign at the Mall this coming weekend. It would be great to see some new names on the sign up sheets.
See you Thursday!
Happy Halloween!
2313 Parent Committee